‘Sopra­nos’ Actress Says Peo­ple In Hol­ly­wood Are Too ‘Pet­ri­fied’ To Cross Lib­er­als On Social Issues

‘Sopranos’ Actress Says People In Hollywood Are Too ‘Petrified’ To Cross Liberals On Social Issues

Drea de Mat­teo, an actress of “The Sopra­nos” fame, says peo­ple in Hol­ly­wood are too “pet­ri­fied” to dis­agree with lib­er­als on social issues because of the cur­rent polit­i­cal cli­mate with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in office.
As part of a dis­cus­sion with Don­ald Trump Jr. on his “Trig­gered” pod­cast, the Emmy win­ner quipped about how she is “so lib­er­al” that she is con­ser­v­a­tive in today’s pol­i­tics and there are “so many” in the indus­try who share her views.
The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has tried to per­pet­u­ate a “bulls***” mes­sage of “uni­ty” and has used “social issues as pawns to fur­ther their admin­is­tra­tion,” which Mat­teo said “ …