Spin Cycle: Sun­day Shows (Most­ly) Take March­ing Orders Straight From Biden At WHCD

Spin Cycle: Sunday Shows (Mostly) Take Marching Orders Straight From Biden At WHCD

For those who don’t spend their Sun­day morn­ings glued to the tele­vi­sion — and their Sun­day after­noons attempt­ing to dig through a week’s worth of net­work and cable news media spin — The Dai­ly Wire has com­piled a short sum­ma­ry of what you may have missed.
This week’s spin began with Sat­ur­day evening’s White House Cor­re­spon­dence Din­ner, where Pres­i­dent Joe Biden issued the march­ing orders — name­ly, that it should be open sea­son on for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Tru …