The Das­tard­ly Right Wing Plot To Have Babies And Save Human­i­ty From Extinc­tion

The Dastardly Right Wing Plot To Have Babies And Save Humanity From Extinction

Over the past few years, the biggest knock you’ve heard against the field of pub­lic health is that they com­plete­ly mis­man­aged COVID, main­ly by exag­ger­at­ing its impact. They told us it was a poten­tial­ly civ­i­liza­tion-end­ing epi­dem­ic — one that jus­ti­fied lock­downs, manda­to­ry shots, et cetera. In the end they were wrong, of course, and for that rea­son no one will ever trust one of these sup­posed experts again.
But the real­ly extra­or­di­nary thing about the field of pub­lic health isn’t the ep …