Wash­Post ‘Fact Check­er’ Glenn Kessler Aids Biden, Throws Four More Pinoc­chios at Trump

<div>WashPost 'Fact Checker' Glenn Kessler Aids Biden, Throws Four More Pinocchios at Trump</div>

On Mon­day morn­ing, Wash­ing­ton Post “Fact Check­er” Glenn Kessler was toss­ing his “Four Pinoc­chios” Liar rat­ing at Don­ald Trump again, this time over rent-sup­port pay­ments for migrants in the Demo­c­rat-run state of Michi­gan.
In recent months, Kessler has emp­tied a buck­et of Pinoc­chios on Trump and his aides, but he’s con­ve­nient­ly avoid­ed throw­ing a sin­gle Pinoc­chio at Joe Biden, not even when Biden blamed Trump for mas­sive Covid deaths: “We lost over 1,200,000 peo­ple because of the slow start in all this [vac­ci­na­tion] process.” 
Kessler ruled in Feb­ru­ary that “Biden’s phras­ing is suf­fi­cient­ly sub­tle that a link is not so eas­i­ly estab­lished.” That’s ridicu­lous. It looks like Glenn Kessler (D‑D.C.). This was Mon­day’s head­line: 

Trump and allies say Biden pays rent for ‘ille­gals’ in Michi­gan. Not true.

Kessler estab­lished the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is assist­ing Michi­gan with rental sub­si­dies, but it depends on what the mean­ing o …