California’s fast-food min­i­mum wage hike is back­fir­ing

California’s fast-food minimum wage hike is backfiring

California’s fast-food min­i­mum wage hike has been in effect for just one month, and the con­se­quences are prov­ing to be few­er hours and poten­tial­ly few­er jobs for work­ers.
Pol­lo West Cor­po­ra­tion, the largest fran­chisee of El Pol­lo Loco restau­rants in Cal­i­for­nia, has said that its fran­chis­es went from prof­itable to los­ing mon­ey overnight when the fast-food wage hike went into effect. It also said that the fran­chis­es have reduced work­er hours by 10%. Mean­while, the restau­rants had raised prices in Feb­ru­ary to pre­pare for the wage hike, lead­ing to a 3% decline in busi­ness.
In total, fast food prices have gone up in Cal­i­for­nia by 10% since Sep­tem­ber, a larg­er increase than in any oth­er state. Restau­rants have already passed those prices on to con­sumers, as was expect­ed, and are cut­ting hours and adding kiosks. Few­er hours for employ­ees means less mon­ey, few­er sales to con­sumers means less busi­ness, which means few­er hours for emp …