Colum­bia anti-Israel pro­test­ers seize Hamil­ton Hall fol­low­ing failed nego­ti­a­tions

Columbia anti-Israel protesters seize Hamilton Hall following failed negotiations

Anti-Israel pro­test­ers at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty in New York City took con­trol of one of the build­ings on cam­pus ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing after defy­ing orders to dis­perse from their encamp­ment on cam­pus.
Uni­ver­si­ty offi­cials gave pro­test­ers a 2 p.m. Mon­day dead­line to leave the encamp­ment after talks between the admin­is­tra­tion and pro­test­ers broke down, with the school claim­ing Mon­day evening that it had begun to hand down sus­pen­sions to dis­obe­di­ent stu­dents. Near­ly 12 hours after the dead­line, pro­test­ers stormed and took over Hamil­ton Hall on cam­pus.

Stu­dents with the Gaza Sol­i­dar­i­ty Encamp­ment block the entrance of Hamil­ton Hall at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty after tak­ing it over on Tues­day, April 30, 2024, in New York. (Mar­co Posti­go Storel via AP)

The group behind the protests, Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Apartheid Divest …