Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty pro­test­ers face expul­sion after break­ing in and occu­py­ing school build­ing

Stu­dents occu­py­ing Colum­bia University’s Hamil­ton Hall will face expul­sion after break­ing in and van­dal­iz­ing the pri­vate school prop­er­ty overnight.
Uni­ver­si­ty spokesman Ben Chang announced Tues­day after­noon that stu­dents con­tin­u­ing to vio­late uni­ver­si­ty pol­i­cy “will be met with clear con­se­quences.” He list­ed van­dal­iz­ing prop­er­ty, break­ing doors and win­dows, and block­ing entrances as exam­ples of vio­lat­ing con­duct.
“We regret that pro­test­ers have cho­sen to esca­late the sit­u­a­tion through their actions,” the state­ment reads. “Our top pri­or­i­ty is restor­ing safe­ty and order on our cam­pus.”
Chang also not­ed that stu­dents part of the encamp­ment are being sus­pend­ed if they do not “com­mit to the terms we offered.” The sus­pend­ed stu­dents will be “restrict­ed from all aca­d­e­m­ic and recre­ation­al spaces … seniors will be inelig …