Dai­ly Caller: White House ‘Cor­rect­ed’ Biden Remarks 148 Times So Far This Year

<div>Daily Caller: White House 'Corrected' Biden Remarks 148 Times So Far This Year</div>

As we’ve point­ed out how the net­works typ­i­cal­ly ignore egre­gious gaffes by Pres­i­dent Biden, Dai­ly Caller White House cor­re­spon­dent Rea­gan Reese reports “White House com­mu­ni­ca­tions staff has had to cor­rect Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s pub­lic remarks at least 148 times since the begin­ning of 2024, a review of offi­cial White House tran­scripts shows.”
The White House web­site posts tran­scripts when­ev­er Biden gives a speech or takes ques­tions. Reese explained the Caller looked at 118 state­ments, speech­es and chats with reporters span­ning from Jan. 1 to April 24. Com­mu­ni­ca­tions staffers fre­quent­ly cor­rect, add to or alter Biden’s offi­cial remarks “to either bring them into com­pli­ance with offi­cial White House pol­i­cy or, in some cas­es, real­i­ty, a Dai­ly Caller analy­sis showed. In sev­er­al cas­es, offi­cial state­ments had to be changed to con­vey the exact oppo­site of what Biden actu­al­ly said.” [Empha­sis ours.]

“It was then, through no — through my Amer­i­can Res­cue Plan — which every Amer­i­can [Repub­li­can] vot­ed against, I might add — we made the largest invest­ment in pub­lic safe­ty ever,” the White House tran­script of Biden’s March State of the Union addres …