Del­phi Pros­e­cu­tors Want To Ban Words, Includ­ing ‘Odin­ist’ From Upcom­ing Dou­ble Mur­der Tri­al

Pros­e­cu­tors in the upcom­ing dou­ble homi­cide tri­al in Del­phi, Indi­ana, are look­ing to ban the defense from using cer­tain words in front of the jury.
Pros­e­cu­tors sent a request to Judge Fran Gull seek­ing to pro­hib­it words such as “Odin­ism,” “cult,” and “rit­u­al killing,” ABC 6 report­ed. The pros­e­cu­tion argues that using those words could con­fuse and indoc­tri­nate a jury.
Richard Allen will be on tri­al for alleged­ly kid­nap­ping and mur­der­ing 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Lib­by Ger­man on a Del­phi hik­ing trail in 2017.
The pros­e­cu­tion also wants to ban the names of cer­tain peo­ple men­tioned through­out court doc­u­ments of the inves­ti­ga­tion, includ­ing as wit­ness­es, …