Demo­c­ra­t­ic hope­ful Mucarsel-Pow­ell slams Rick Scott on abor­tion stance in effort to turn seat blue

Democratic hopeful Mucarsel-Powell slams Rick Scott on abortion stance in effort to turn seat blue

Deb­bie Mucarsel-Pow­ell, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic front-run­ner for the Flori­da Sen­ate seat, is hom­ing in on incum­bent Sen. Rick Scott’s (R‑FL) wob­bly abor­tion stance with an eye toward gain­ing more vot­ers.
In an adver­tise­ment released in Span­ish on Mon­day, Mucarsel-Pow­ell focused on Scott’s stance, say­ing he is in favor of ban­ning abor­tions.
“My moth­er brought me here from Ecuador for free­dom, and it’s free­dom that Rick Scott wants to take away,” Mucarsel-Pow­ell said in the ad. 
Twen­ty-sev­en per­cent of Florida’s vot­ers are Lati­no, com­ing from Cuba and South Amer­i­can coun­tries. As a whole, Lati­no vot­ers tend to be more reli­gious, but 68% said they are opp …