Don­ald Trump Jr. Reveals What Jon Tester’s God­son Alleged­ly Told Him About The Sen­a­tor

Donald Trump Jr. Reveals What Jon Tester’s Godson Allegedly Told Him About The Senator

Don­ald Trump Jr. revealed at a cam­paign event in Mon­tana this week that the god­son of Sen. Jon Tester (D‑MT) alleged­ly told him that the 67-year-old sen­a­tor became a dif­fer­ent per­son after being elect­ed and quit being involved in his life after he went to Wash­ing­ton, D.C.
Trump Jr. made the remarks at the “Pro­tect­ing Free­dom” event in Mis­soula on Sun­day, which was attend­ed by Mon­tana Gov­er­nor Greg Gian­forte®, Rep. Ryan Zinke (R‑MT), and Repub­li­can U.S. Sen­ate can …