GOP looks to snuff out Biden’s chances in Flori­da with vot­er reg­is­tra­tion

GOP looks to snuff out Biden’s chances in Florida with voter registration

Democ­rats are pro­ject­ing con­fi­dence that Flori­da is in play for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden this Novem­ber, par­tic­u­lar­ly now that the issue of abor­tion access will be on the state’s bal­lots.
But Flori­da vot­er reg­is­tra­tion data under­scores the chal­lenge for Biden if he wants to change the Sun­shine State from red to blue this elec­tion cycle.
Flori­da Repub­li­cans now have 900,000 more reg­is­tered vot­ers than Democ­rats, with 5,250,234 Repub­li­cans com­pared to 4,349,737 Democ­rats, accord­ing to reports. That is an impor­tant, his­toric com­par­a­tive advan­tage con­sid­er­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump won the state’s 29 elec­toral votes in 2020 by 3 per­cent­age points, or 371,686 peo­ple, and that, until three years ago, Democ­rats have had the edge since Recon­struc­tion.
That data also rep­re­sent a slight increase in Repub­li­can vot­er reg­is­tra­tion since pub­licly avail­able data were last updat­ed on March 31, the day before the Flori­da Supreme Court’s abor­tion deci­sions.
“The Repub­li­can gains are a big deal as Flori …