Intol­er­ant Nan­cy Pelosi Yells at MSNBC’s Katy Tur, Sug­gests She’s ‘a Trump Apol­o­gist’

<div>Intolerant Nancy Pelosi Yells at MSNBC's Katy Tur, Suggests She's 'a Trump Apologist'</div>

Democ­rats and MSNBC watch­ers – which are pret­ty much the same thing – can­not tol­er­ate any­one mak­ing a con­trary point. On Mon­day after­noon, MSNBC host Katy Tur inter­viewed for­mer House Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi for almost 15 min­utes. She asked the usu­al between-us-Democ­rats ques­tions, start­ing with how much the Democ­rats can insure untram­meled abor­tion on demand if they can stay in pow­er.
Tur wor­ried out loud that the anti-Israel protests on cam­pus could hurt Democ­rats, as rad­i­cal and vio­lent protests at the 1968 con­ven­tion helped elect Nixon. But Pelosi lost all patience with Tur at the tail end of an answer last­ing two min­utes and 40 sec­onds with­out inter­rup­tion about how Biden is great:

PELOSI: There are those who have real legit­i­mate con­cerns about immi­gra­tion, glob­al­iza­tion, inno­va­tion, …