‘Keep March­ing For Hamas, Kids’: Bill Maher Says Cam­pus Pro­test­ers Just Don’t Get It

‘Keep Marching For Hamas, Kids’: Bill Maher Says Campus Protesters Just Don’t Get It

Come­di­an and HBO host Bill Maher laid into the anti-Israel pro­test­ers on col­lege cam­pus­es like Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty — where stu­dents van­dal­ized and took over a cam­pus build­ing on Tues­day — and said that as they keep “march­ing for Hamas,” they also keep miss­ing the point with regard to what they should be protest­ing.
Dur­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with UFC pres­i­dent Dana White on his “Club Ran­dom” pod­cast, Maher not­ed that there were plen­ty of issues in the Mid­dle East that might be far more wor­thy of protest than Israel.
[embed­ded con­tent]
“The Afghanistan cul­ture — part of it — is we found out when we invad­ed …