NY Times: GOP Call­ing Immi­grant Surge an ‘Inva­sion’ Dehu­man­iz­ing, ‘Could Stoke Vio­lence’

NY Times: GOP Calling Immigrant Surge an ‘Invasion’ Dehumanizing, ‘Could Stoke Violence’

New York Times nation­al pol­i­tics reporter Jazmine Ulloa has dep­u­tized her­self to patrol the para­me­ters of accept­able polit­i­cal dis­course from her lib­er­al per­spec­tive, attacked Repub­li­cans can­di­dates again for dar­ing to call the influx of immi­grants across our south­ern bor­der an “inva­sion,” in Sunday’s edi­tion: “Talk of an Immi­grant ‘Inva­sion’ Grows in Repub­li­can Ads and Speech.”
As the elec­tions loom, Ulloa’s hyper­sen­si­tive lan­guage radar seems tuned only to the words of one polit­i­cal par­ty.

A cam­paign ad from a Repub­li­can con­gres­sion­al can­di­date from Indi­ana sums up the arrival of migrants at the bor­der with one word. He doesn’t call it a prob­lem or a cri­sis.
He calls it an “inva­sion.”
It was not so long ago that the term inva­sion had been most­ly rel­e­gat­ed to the mar­gins of the nation­al immi­gra­tion debate. Many can­di­dates and polit­i­cal fig­ures tend­ed to avoid the word, which echoed dem­a­goguery in pre­vi­ous cen­turies tar­get­ing Asian, Lati­no and Euro­pean immi­gra …