Res­o­lu­tion to change how vot­ers alter Mis­souri Con­sti­tu­tion in hands of Sen­ate

Resolution to change how voters alter Missouri Constitution in hands of Senate

(The Cen­ter Square) – A res­o­lu­tion to change how Mis­souri vot­ers approve con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ments was returned to the Sen­ate for pos­si­ble con­sid­er­a­tion this week.
Cur­rent­ly, any con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment can be approved by a sim­ple major­i­ty. By a vote of 103 to 48, the House approved Sen­ate Joint Res­o­lu­tion 74, a bal­lot pro­pos­al to require vot­ers to pass con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ments by a major­i­ty and five of the eight con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts. The pro­pos­al would be placed on the Novem­ber bal­lot or at a spe­cial elec­tion to be called by Repub­li­can Gov. Mike Par­son.
Sen. Mary Eliz­a­beth Cole­man, R‑Arnold, a can­di­date for her party’s nom­i­na …