Scar­bor­ough Back­tracks on Pro­test­ers: I Was Only Mock­ing ‘White Woke Pam­pered Elit­ist’ Kids

<div>Scarborough Backtracks on Protesters: I Was Only Mocking 'White Woke Pampered Elitist' Kids</div>

It was­n’t exact­ly a mea cul­pa. But on today’s Morn­ing Joe, Scar­bor­ough did a mod­i­fied walk-back of his strong crit­i­cism that we not­ed yes­ter­day of cam­pus pro­test­ers and the fail­ure of admin­is­tra­tors to dis­ci­pline them, and how it will all lead to Biden  los­ing in Novem­ber. 
Scar­bor­ough men­tioned that after his com­ments yes­ter­day, he had received crit­i­cal com­ments from “well-inten­tioned” crit­ics who said it was right to protest the Viet­nam War, and right to protest Israel’s war after the Octo­ber 7 slaugh­ter by Hamas. So he back­tracked to sug­gest he only meant to mock rich white kids. [?]

I’m cer­tain­ly not say­ing this of all the stu­dent pro­test­ers that are out there. And cer­tainl …