Sein­feld actor John O’Hurley says we lost ‘abil­i­ty to be sil­ly’

Seinfeld actor John O’Hurley says we lost ‘ability to be silly’

Sein­feld actor John O’Hurley has joined Jer­ry Sein­feld in crit­i­ciz­ing the state of com­e­dy, argu­ing that peo­ple in the mod­ern age have lost the “abil­i­ty to be sil­ly.”
Sein­feld com­ment­ed in a recent inter­view that there are no longer any tele­vi­sion pro­grams due to “the extreme Left” and polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect cul­ture being too con­cerned about offend­ing peo­ple. O’Hurley, who played entre­pre­neur John Peter­man in the Sein­feld com­e­dy series, was asked if there was any chance for com­e­dy to make a return, to which he replied that it was an “inter­est­ing” ques­tion. 
“And the prob­lem is that we have lost our abil­i­ty to be sil­ly,” O’Hurley said on Fox News’s Jesse Wat­ters Prime­time. “That’s a sad thing when you think about it. Just let the shoul­ders go loose and say some­thing sil­ly about your …