Speak­er John­son urges Biden to vis­it cam­pus protests: ‘Time for deci­sive lead­er­ship’

Speaker Johnson urges Biden to visit campus protests: ‘Time for decisive leadership’

House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) is press­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to vis­it a grow­ing pro-Pales­tin­ian protest on Colum­bia University’s cam­pus, lament­ing there has been a “vac­u­um of lead­er­ship” as the stu­dent encamp­ment con­tin­ues to gar­ner nation­al atten­tion. 
John­son said he con­tact­ed the White House short­ly after mak­ing his own vis­it to Colum­bia last week with a plea to the pres­i­dent to vis­it the cam­pus and see the protests for him­self. The speak­er said he spoke with a senior pol­i­cy advis­er and “did not con­nect imme­di­ate­ly” with Biden on the issue. 
“This is not a gray issue. There is right and wrong here,” John­son told reporters on Tues­day. “There’s good and evil, in my view, and we need to call it out for what it is.”
The Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er con­tact­ed the White House for com­ment. Biden was in New York City recent­ly where he sat down for an inter­view with radio host Howard Stern, but did not st …