Stel­ter Acknowl­edges Anti-Semi­tism At Colum­bia, Urges No Judge­ment

For­mer CNN media cor­re­spon­dent Bri­an Stel­ter returned to the net­work on Monday’s CNN News­Night with Abby Phillip to acknowl­edge that while there have been insis­tences of anti-Semi­tism among the Colum­bia campers, “we should try to remain as free of judg­ment of the stu­dents as we can” because he, his fel­low pan­elists, and most of his view­ers used to be stu­dents as well.
Stel­ter was respond­ing to Nation­al Review’s Rei­han Salam, who took a rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent approach, “When you look at t …