Trump: Jan. 6 Pelosi’s fault, ‘nobody died oth­er than Ash­li’

Trump: Jan. 6 Pelosi’s fault, ‘nobody died other than Ashli’

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump brushed back new crit­i­cism of his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, and said the Capi­tol protests were the fault of for­mer House Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi (D‑CA) and Wash­ing­ton May­or Muriel Bows­er.
“I’m the one that tried to stop it. I offered 10,000 sol­diers, and Nan­cy Pelosi turned me down. So did the may­or of Wash­ing­ton. She turned me down in writ­ing,” Trump said in a remark­able inter­view with Time mag­a­zine.
Trump also decried a “two-tier sys­tem” of jus­tice that has tar­get­ed Jan. 6 pro­test­ers but not those tied to Black Lives Mat­ter vio­lence, and he promised to con­sid­er par­dons for most of the near­ly 1,000 tried or con­vict­ed in the Capi­tol riots.
“I would con­sid­er that, yes,” Trump said in com­ments that should be reas­sur­ing to …