Trump Says His Stance On Pros­e­cut­ing Women For Abor­tion Is ‘Total­ly Irrel­e­vant’: ‘States Are Going To Make Those Deci­sions’

Trump Says His Stance On Prosecuting Women For Abortion Is ‘Totally Irrelevant’: ‘States Are Going To Make Those Decisions’

Whether women are pros­e­cut­ed for abort­ing their unborn chil­dren should be left up to the states, and it’s “total­ly irrel­e­vant” if a pres­i­dent is “com­fort­able” with such laws, accord­ing to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
The pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee was inter­viewed by Time Mag­a­zine for a fea­ture arti­cle pub­lished Tues­day morn­ing that focus­es on what Trump’s agen­da would be if he wins a sec­ond term in the White House. Dur­ing a por­tion of the inter­view, the Time reporter focused on abor­tion, an issue that could have major impli­ca­tions in the upcom­ing elec­tion.
Asked about his spe­cif­ic posi­tion on pros­e­cut­ing women who abort their unborn chil­dren, Trump told Tim …