‘We Need You’ as ‘Mamala’; Here’s the Worst Moments From Drew Barrymore’s Kamala Chat

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s taped inter­view with actress-turned-day­time-talk-show host Drew Bar­ry­more aired Mon­day and while it was a brisk watch, it nonethe­less remained a gag-tas­tic abom­i­na­tion as Bar­ry­more sat Indi­an-style on her curvy couch and held hands with Har­ris as she gushed over the awk­ward far-left politi­cian as America’s “Mamala” and some­one the coun­try “respects so much” who can be “a great pro­tec­tor”.
Well, unless you’re talk­ing about unborn babies, (real) Chris­tians, or those who pos­sessed mar­i­jua­na back when she was San Fran­cis­co di …