Cuo­mo: Pro-Hamas Camps the ‘Inter­sec­tion of Igno­rance and Arro­gance’

Cuomo: Pro-Hamas Camps the ‘Intersection of Ignorance and Arrogance’

News­Na­tion host Chris Cuo­mo was on a tear this week; using his prime-time show to call out the anti-Semit­ic/pro-Hamas extrem­ists encamped on col­lege cam­pus­es across the coun­try. He called the encamp­ments the “fright­en­ing inter­sec­tion of igno­rance and arro­gance” and raised the legit­i­mate con­cern that the stu­dents were being rad­i­cal­ized into doing some­thing much worse than occu­py­ing a build­ing.
In the hour before the NYPD bust­ed up the encamp­ment at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Tues­day ni …