Democ­rats Appease Priv­i­leged Col­lege Rad­i­cals

Democrats Appease Privileged College Radicals

America’s col­lege cam­pus­es are in a state of com­plete melt­down —  at least in the blue states, where admin­is­tra­tors are cater­ing to the whims of Amer­i­ca-hat­ing, evil, rad­i­cal peo­ple. 
The ques­tion every­one is ask­ing right now is an easy ques­tion: Why are these stu­dents — the most priv­i­leged peo­ple in the his­to­ry of the world, no skill set, no prob­lems — LARP­ing as ter­ror­ists and stand­ing for mur­der­ous groups like Hamas, Hezbol­lah, Pales­tin­ian Islam­ic Jihad, and the like? Why are they overtl …