For­mer Oba­ma advis­er might be one of the most pow­er­ful House Democ­rats no one has heard of

Former Obama adviser might be one of the most powerful House Democrats no one has heard of

One House Demo­c­rat has been qui­et­ly mak­ing a splash in Wash­ing­ton despite his low pro­file as a mem­ber of pow­er­ful com­mit­tees.
Rep. Raja Krish­namoor­thi (D‑IL) has been rep­re­sent­ing Illinois’s 8th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict, which includes many north­west­ern Chica­go sub­urbs, since 2017. Now, he’s set to co-host a din­ner Wednes­day as a cam­paign event for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden that is expect­ed to raise $1 mil­lion. Krish­namoor­thi is seem­ing­ly good at fundrais­ing too.
Krish­namoor­thi has raised more than $4.5 mil­lion for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­gres­sion­al Cam­paign Com­mit­tee. He’s also giv­en $250,000 to the Biden Vic­to­ry Fund. 
Krish­namoor­thi also has a large amount of mon­ey in his cam­paign funds, cur­rent­ly sit­ting at $16 mil­lion. His fundrais­ing for his race is on par with big-name House Democ­rats like Minor­i­ty Leader Hakeem Jef­fries (D‑NY).
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