House Democ­rats ask Biden to with­hold mil­i­tary assis­tance to Israel

A large coali­tion of House Democ­rats is call­ing on the Biden admin­is­tra­tion to with­hold offen­sive mil­i­tary aid and weapons to Israel, say­ing they are wor­ried about the “human­i­tar­i­an cat­a­stro­phe” for those in Gaza if the Jew­ish state launch­es a ground inva­sion into Rafah.
Over 50 House Democ­rats sent a let­ter to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden ask­ing him to cut off both cur­rent and future offense aid to Israel to pre­vent a Rafah inva­sion as part of its war against Hamas, a con­flict that has dri­ven a wedge with­in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­fer­ence over how much sup­port to pro­vide the ally and how to address the human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis in Gaza.
Led by Reps. Prami­la Jaya­pal (D‑WA) and Madeleine Dean (D‑PA), the let­ter denounces the reports of Israel look­ing to launch a “full-scale offen­sive on Rafah” as “whol­ly unac­cept­able.”
“While the pace of sup­ply trucks enter­ing Gaza has picked up slight­ly since the unac­cept­able strike on World Cen­tral Kitchen work­ers, this lim­it­ed improve­ment is not near­ly suf­fi­cient to meet the strip’s cat­a­stroph­ic lev­els of need,” the mem­bers wrote. “Fur­ther­more, any offen­sive would put remain­ing hostages being held …