House GOP can­di­dates to get leg-up from Koch Lati­no group

House GOP candidates to get leg-up from Koch Latino group

EXCLUSIVE — Repub­li­cans in key House races will receive a boost from the Koch network’s Lati­no polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion before November’s gen­er­al elec­tion.
LIBRE Ini­tia­tive Action has endorsed Rob Bres­na­han, a busi­ness­man run­ning in Pennsylvania‘s Scran­ton con­gres­sion­al dis­trict, in addi­tion to Reps. Jen Kig­gans (R‑VA), from Virginia‘s Vir­ginia Beach con­gres­sion­al dis­trict, and David Schweik­ert (R‑AZ), from Arizona’s Scotts­dale sub­urbs con­gres­sion­al dis­trict.
“Lati­nos are tired of bad poli­cies, bro­ken promis­es, and an econ­o­my that is not work­ing for them,” San­dra Ben­itez, a LIBRE Ini­tia­tive Action senior advis­er, told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er. “We need lead­ers who will bring pos­i­tive change and are focused on grow­ing the econ­o­my, remov­ing bar­ri­ers to oppor­tu­ni­ty, and dri­ving poli­cies that give us a chance at achiev­ing our ‘Amer­i­can dream.’”
“This is why LIBRE Action is excit­ed to lever­age our grass­roots army and resources in favor of Bres­na­han, Kig­gans, and Schweik­ert,” Ben­itez said. “Lati­nos are posi­tioned to play a crit­i­cal role this Novem­ber, and LIBRE Action will make sure our com­mu­ni­ty is mobi­lized to sup­port the best can­di­dates in the …