Major Gov­ern­ment Enti­ty Fol­lows US Lead Against Infa­mous CCP-Tied App

Major Government Entity Follows US Lead Against Infamous CCP-Tied App

The Euro­pean Union is the lat­est gov­ern­ment enti­ty to pon­der can­cel­ing a Chi­nese gov­ern­ment-tied app.
Soon after Pres­i­dent Joe Biden signed a bill giv­ing Tik­Tok a choice between Chi­nese divest­ment and a ban in the U.S., Euro­pean Com­mis­sion Pres­i­dent Ursu­la von der Leyen took up the same ques­tion, accord­ing to Politi­co EU. Asked about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a Tik­Tok ban dur­ing a Euro­pean Union (EU) can­di­date debate, von der Leyen replied, “It is not exclud­ed.” This comes as Tik­Tok already faces mul­ti­ple EU probes.
Von der Leyen then bragged that the Com­mis­sion had been “the very first insti­tu­tion world­wide to ban Tik­Tok on our cor­po­rate phones,” adding, “We know exact­ly the dan­ger of Tik­Tok.” Oth­er can­di­dates at the debate did not com­mit either way, Politi­co report­ed. The out­let also not­ed that von der Leyen has avoid­ed using the app dur­ing her cam­paign.
The Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty (CCP) owns a board seat and main­tains a finan­cial stake in TikTok’s Chi­nese par­ent com­pa­ny ByteDance, and mu …