Mar­sha Black­burn Clash­es With Ilhan Omar, Says ‘His­to­ry Won’t Be On The Side Of Anti-Semit­ic Pro­tes­tors’

Marsha Blackburn Clashes With Ilhan Omar, Says ‘History Won’t Be On The Side Of Anti-Semitic Protestors’

On Tues­day, Sen. Mar­sha Black­burn (R‑TN) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D‑MN) trad­ed barbs over the protests that have sprout­ed up at U.S. col­leges in response to the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
The exchange began with Omar, a mem­ber of the left­ist “Squad,” shar­ing on X a screen grab of a post from Black­burn using her con­gres­sion­al X account to talk about imple­ment­ing penal­ties for stu­dents fos­ter­ing ter­ror­ism while advanc­ing the Hamas cause.
“Any stu­dent who has pro­mot­ed ter­ror­ism or engaged in ter­ror­ists [sic] acts on behalf of Hamas should be imme­di­ate­ly … added to the ter­ror­ist watch list and placed on the TSA No Fly List,” Black­burn said.
In her own post, Omar said, “A sit­ting Sen­a­tor, labels Amer­i­cans p …