Michael Moore Warns Biden’s Chances Of Being Re-Elect­ed Are Not ‘So Great’

Michael Moore Warns Biden’s Chances Of Being Re-Elected Are Not ‘So Great’

Left­ist film­mak­er Michael Moore, who pre­dict­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s 2016 vic­to­ry, said this week that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s sup­port of Israel may cost him the 2024 elec­tion.
Dur­ing an inter­view on CNN, after anchor Kait­lan Collins men­tioned her network’s poll show­ing 81% of U.S. adults under the age of 36 dis­ap­prove of how Biden is deal­ing with Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, Moore said he want­ed to send a mes­sage to the pres­i­dent.
“I want­ed to say this on your show tonight that his chance of not being re-elect­ed, I think, at this point, is so great, because of those num­bers. Because he’s los­ing the youth vote. He’s lost the Arab Amer­i­can vote in Michi­gan,” Moore said.
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Moore, a Michi­gan native, was allud­ing to how the state with a large Arab Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion protest­ed against Biden’s Israel stance with more than 100,000 Democ­rats vot­ing “uncom­mit­ted” in the prim …