MSNBC Blames ‘Bad Faith’ GOP For Cam­pus Chaos

Prince­ton pro­fes­sor and MSNBC con­trib­u­tor Eddie Glaude Jr. joined the Wednes­day edi­tion of Ana Cabr­era Reports to dis­cuss the chaos on col­lege cam­pus­es. In Glaude’s upside down view of the world, it is not the anti-Semit­ic campers who are the prob­lem, they just “want a bet­ter Amer­i­ca,” but the “bad faith” Repub­li­cans con­demn­ing school admin­is­tra­tions for tol­er­at­ing it.
Cabr­era won­dered, “I am curi­ous, though, as to how you see these protests, Eddie, through a broad­er lens. Some have com­pared …