MSNBC Host/Guest Wor­ry Cam­pus Protests Could Spark ‘Fero­cious’ Back­lash, New Rea­gan Era

MSNBC Host/Guest Worry Campus Protests Could Spark ‘Ferocious’ Backlash, New Reagan Era

MSNBC host Alex Wag­n­er and her guest, New York Times colum­nist Michelle Gold­berg, assessed the chaot­ic sit­u­a­tion on many Amer­i­can col­lege cam­pus­es and wor­ried that the mass protests, anti-Semit­ic chants, and vio­lence could spark a new Rea­gan era.
Wag­n­er and Gold­berg were respond­ing to the New York Police Department’s actions in clear­ing pro­test­ers from Hamil­ton Hall — which was seized and bar­ri­cad­ed by anti-Israel pro­test­ers — and they drew a direct com­par­i­son to 1968, the last time “anti-war” pro­test­ers had tak­en over that same build­ing.