MTG moves ahead with vote to oust John­son despite Democ­rats’ res­cue plan

MTG moves ahead with vote to oust Johnson despite Democrats’ rescue plan

Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene (R‑GA) will move for­ward with plans to force a con­fi­dence vote on Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) despite assur­ances from Demo­c­ra­t­ic lead­ers to step in to block the effort should it come to the House floor. 
Greene will call the motion for­ward next week, putting a notice on the leg­is­la­tion that would require GOP lead­ers to bring it to the floor with­in two leg­isla­tive days, the Geor­gia Repub­li­can announced on Wednes­day. Such a move would tee up the motion for a vote when law­mak­ers return next week. 
”I’m excit­ed about it. And also can’t wait to see my Repub­li­can con­fer­ence show their cards and show who we are. Because vot­ers deserve it,” Greene said.
Greene point­ed to Johnson’s tenure as speak­er over the last six months, argu­ing that despite once being a hard-lin­er him­self, the …