Net­works WHINE About Columbia’s Pro-Hamas Camp Get­ting Bust­ed By NYPD

Networks WHINE About Columbia’s Pro-Hamas Camp Getting Busted By NYPD

Overnight, the anti-Semit­ic/pro-Hamas encamp­ment at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty was final­ly bro­ken up after the NYPD out­smart­ed the bar­ri­cad­ed pro­test­ers by breach­ing the sec­ond floor of occu­pied Hamil­ton Hall. But on Wednes­day morn­ing, the whin­ing from ABC, CBS, and NBC was almost as bad as the shriek­ing com­ing from the ter­ror­ist sym­pa­thiz­ers as they recount­ed the hor­ror of the 100 peo­ple arrest­ed with­out injury being loaded onto a bus for book­ing.
“We were stand­ing right here late last night …