Poll work­ers face high lev­els of harass­ment and abuse, new poll shows

Poll workers face high levels of harassment and abuse, new poll shows

One in three local elec­tion offi­cials have expe­ri­enced threats, harass­ment, and abuse, a new poll shows. 
Accord­ing to the poll from the Bren­nan Cen­ter for Jus­tice at New York Uni­ver­si­ty School of Law, 38% of poll work­ers said they have faced mis­treat­ment at work, which is an increase from the 30% report­ed in 2023. 
They said they most com­mon­ly receive threats in per­son or via phone calls. Forty-five per­cent of poll work­ers have received threats on social media. Half of the threats to work­ers go unre­port­ed.
Sev­en­ty per­cent of elec­tion offi­cials believe threats have increased since the 2020 elec­tion, while 27% believe they stayed about the same.
Poll work­ers not only are con­cerned about their own safe­ty, but also the safe­ty of their col­leagues. More than half of respon­dents said they were wor­ried about a co-worker’s safe­ty. 
Threats are dri­ving poll work­ers to leave their jobs. Thir­ty-four per­cent of peo­ple polled said they know some­one or many peo­ple who have le …