Mitt Rom­ney weighs in on Noem’s dog faux pas: ‘I didn’t shoot my dog’

Mitt Romney weighs in on Noem’s dog faux pas: ‘I didn’t shoot my dog’

Sen. Mitt Rom­ney (R‑UT) respond­ed on Tues­day to the fer­vor over an anec­dote in Gov. Kristi Noem’s (R‑SD) upcom­ing book, No Going Back, about her exe­cut­ing a 14-month-old pup­py.
Rom­ney infa­mous­ly once tied his dog to the roof of his car and drove 12 hours, a sto­ry that came out when he was run­ning for pres­i­dent in 2012 and arguably affect­ed his cam­paign in much the same way that Noem’s dog-killing sto­ry has affect­ed her chances of becom­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s vice pres­i­den­tial pick, accord­ing to reports.
“I didn’t eat my dog. I didn’t shoot my dog. I loved my dog, and my dog loved me,” Rom­ney told Huff­Post. Dur­ing the inci­dent, which took place in 1983, Rom­ney had to stop to c …