Trump crit­i­cizes New York cas­es in first bat­tle­ground ral­lies after gag order

Trump criticizes New York cases in first battleground rallies after gag order

In his first two bat­tle­ground ral­lies after being fined for vio­lat­ing a gag order, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump bemoaned the restric­tions and finan­cial con­se­quences he faces from sev­er­al legal cas­es.
Trump sin­gled out and crit­i­cized New York Judge Juan Mer­chan, Judge Arthur Engoron, and the writer E. Jean Car­roll dur­ing a ral­ly in Michigan‘s crit­i­cal key swing state. He also blast­ed the 88 fed­er­al indict­ments that have been brought against him dur­ing a ral­ly in Wis­con­sin.
“Every time the rad­i­cal-left Democ­rats, Marx­ists, com­mu­nists, and fas­cists indict me, I con­sid­er it a great badge of hon­or,” Trump said. “Because I’m being indict­ed for you.”Trump is cur­rent­ly bat­tling against 34 charges from Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg over alle­ga­tions he par­tic­i­pat­ed in a hush mon­ey pay­ment scheme durin …