Trump mocks Biden’s ‘pause’ blun­der and takes straw poll on president’s best nick­name

Trump mocks Biden’s ‘pause’ blunder and takes straw poll on president’s best nickname

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump mocked Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and took a straw poll on the best nick­name for his suc­ces­sor on Wednes­day at a cam­paign ral­ly.
At the Wauke­sha Coun­ty Expo Cen­ter in Wis­con­sin, Trump riffed on Biden’s recent teleprompter blun­der, when he appeared to read off the instruc­tions for how he should act.

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump speaks at a cam­paign ral­ly on Wednes­day, May 1, 2024, at the Wauke­sha Coun­ty Expo Cen­ter in Wauke­sha, Wis­con­sin. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

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“Isn’t it nice to have a pres­i­dent who doesn’t need a teleprompter — not that he can read it any­way, he can’t read it,” Trump said. “Now think if I read my teleprompter and I’m going, ‘Well, let’s see, because of the weak­ness in the econ­o­my, I’d like to apol­o­gize — pause. Pause. Pause,’” he added mock­ing­ly, to laugh­ter from the audi­ence.
“What was that?” he con­tin­ued. “That’s unbe­liev­able. Pause. You know, I was watch­ing it, I said, ‘That was weird.’ They actu­al­ly don’t have ‘pause’ in my teleprompter, …