Wal­mart launch­ing new cost-effi­cient gro­cery brand to help strug­gling shop­pers

Walmart launching new cost-efficient grocery brand to help struggling shoppers

Wal­mart is launch­ing a new bar­gain brand in its gro­cery line­up, as infla­tion con­tin­ues to crip­ple the coun­try.
Bet­ter­goods fea­tures prod­ucts priced between $2 and $15, with a major­i­ty of items under this chain cost­ing less than $5, accord­ing to a state­ment from the dis­count chain.

This image pro­vid­ed by Wal­mart shows prod­ucts from the store’s new Bet­ter­goods label. Wal­mart said Tues­day it is launch­ing its biggest store-label food brand in 20 years in terms of its breadth of items, as it seeks to appeal to younger cus­tomers who are not brand loy­al and want chef-inspired foods that are more afford­ably priced. (Wal­mart via AP)

“Today’s cus­tomers expect more from the pri­vate brands they pur­chase — they want afford­able, qual­i­ty prod­ucts to ele­vate their over­all food expe­ri­ence,” said Scott Mor­ris, the chain’s senior vice pres­i­dent of pri­vate brands, food and con­sum­ables. “The launch of bet­ter­goods deliv­ers on that cus­tomer need in a mean­ing­ful way.”
The Con­fer­ence Board non-prof­it announced Tues­day that the con­sumer con­fi­dence index fell to 97 last month, a decline from the revised 103.1 in March. This notice­able dip marks the low­est con­sumer con­fi­dence read­ing in almost two years.
Infla­tion wen …