White House Cor­re­spon­dents Din­ner Was a FAIL: MRCTV’s Tierin-Rose Man­del­burg on OANN

On Mon­day, MRCTV’s Tierin-Rose Man­del­burg appeared on One Amer­i­ca News Network’s In Focus with Ali­son Stein­berg to talk about the failed White House Cor­re­spon­dents Din­ner that took place over the week­end.
Out­side the event, as guests were arriv­ing, large crowds of pro-Gaza pro­test­ers chant­ed and yelled at them. Obvi­ous­ly the guests, only car­ing for them­selves, waltzed right in and didn’t bat an eye. (Remem­ber, these elit­ists only cared about get­ting wined and dined by the pres­i­dent.)
Stein­berg hopes the video of the elit­ists ignor­ing t …