13 House Dems Back Lat­est Rebuke Of Biden’s Immi­gra­tion Poli­cies

13 House Dems Back Latest Rebuke Of Biden’s Immigration Policies

A group of House Democ­rats helped pass a new res­o­lu­tion on Wednes­day con­demn­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s immi­gra­tion poli­cies, mak­ing for the lat­est dis­play of bipar­ti­san dis­ap­proval of a key issue dur­ing a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion year.
The final tal­ly showed 13 Democ­rats and 210 Repub­li­cans vot­ed in favor of the mea­sure, while 191 Democ­rats and no Repub­li­cans opposed it. Eight Democ­rats and sev­en Repub­li­cans did not vote. It fol­lows sim­i­lar votes in which some Democ­rats have bro­ken ranks to approve a res­o­lu­tion denounc­ing the Biden administration’s han­dling of the bor­der cri­sis.
This time around, the Democ­rats who joined Repub­li­cans were Reps. Nik­ki Budzin­s­ki (D‑IL), Don Davis (D‑NC), Yadi­ra Car­aveo (D‑CO), Ang­ie Craig (D‑MN), Hen­ry Cuell …