Ari­zona Gov­er­nor Signs Bill Repeal­ing State’s 1864 Abor­tion Law

Arizona Governor Signs Bill Repealing State’s 1864 Abortion Law

Ari­zona Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Katie Hobbs signed a repeal of the state’s 1864 abor­tion law on Thurs­day after the state’s Supreme Court ruled last month that the law, which pro­tects unborn babies from near­ly all abor­tions, could go into effect.
The abor­tion law repeal passed Arizona’s Repub­li­can-con­trolled leg­is­la­ture thanks to five Repub­li­cans — three in the state House and two in the state Sen­ate — who vot­ed with every Demo­c­rat. Upon sign­ing the leg­is­la­tion, Hobbs said she would “do every­thing in [her] pow­er to pro­tect our repro­duc­tive free­doms,” AZ Cen­tral report­ed.
“Today we are doing what 23 gov­er­nors and 55 leg­is­la­tures refused to do, and I am so proud to be the ones that got this job done,” Hobbs said.
The state’s high …