Biden Labels Japan ‘Xeno­pho­bic’ For Not Fol­low­ing His Lead In Import­ing Hordes Of Third Worlders

Biden Labels Japan ‘Xenophobic’ For Not Following His Lead In Importing Hordes Of Third Worlders

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden called U.S. ally Japan “xeno­pho­bic” just weeks after host­ing the country’s prime min­is­ter, Fumio Kishi­da, for talks and a ritzy state din­ner in the nation’s cap­i­tal.
He made the com­ment on Wednes­day dur­ing a cam­paign recep­tion in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., while argu­ing that immi­gra­tion can help to cre­ate strong economies, accord­ing to a tran­script from the White House.
“You know, one of the rea­sons why our econ­o­my is grow­ing is because of you and many oth­ers. Why? Because we wel­come immi­grants. We look to — the rea­son — look, think about it,” Biden said.
“Why is Chi­na stalling so bad­ly eco­nom­i­cal­ly? Why is Japan hav­ing trou­ble? Why is Rus­sia? Why is India? Because they’re xeno­pho­bic. They don’t want immi­grants,” he added.
“Immi­grants is [sic] what makes us strong,” Biden con­tin­ued. “Not a joke. That’s not hyper­bole. Because we have an influx of work­ers who want to be here and just con­tribute.”

Although Japan entered a reces­sion amid a pop­u­la­tion decline this year, los­ing its spot at the world’s third-largest econ­o­my, loc …