Biden Says Cam­pus Protests Will Have Zero Impact On Israel Pol­i­cy

Biden Says Campus Protests Will Have Zero Impact On Israel Policy

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, after final­ly deliv­er­ing brief remarks on Thurs­day address­ing the anti-Israel protests run­ning ram­pant across col­lege cam­pus­es, told reporters that those protests would have no impact on his administration’s Israel pol­i­cy.
While Biden did not specif­i­cal­ly grant a ques­tion-and-answer ses­sion fol­low­ing his com­ments, he did answer two ques­tions that were shout­ed at him as he pre­pared to leave the room.

Reporter: “Have protests influ­enced pol­i­cy recon­sid­er­a­tion in the region?“Biden: “No.“Second Reporter: “Should the Nation­al Guard intervene?“Biden: “No.”#breaking #Joe­Biden #uni­ver­si­typrotests
— Tar­get Reporter …