CBS Lion­izes Cli­mate Losers Block­ing Traf­fic, Throw­ing Paint, Inter­rupt­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Gala

Like being able to vis­it muse­ums with­out cli­mate freaks throw­ing soup on world-renowned paint­ings? Look­ing to enjoy a night out at a gala? Need a peace­ful com­mute with­out any­one block­ing the road?
If the answer to any of these ques­tions is no, CBS Morn­ings all but said no way, Jose. On Thurs­day, they ran a lengthy puff piece fawn­ing over Cli­mate Defi­ance and even fol­lowed them as they inter­rupt­ed the March 6 gala for our friends at Amer­i­can Moment.

Co-host Nate Burleson incred­i­bly wove in the cli­mate freaks with the live scenes from UCLA as “police are clash­ing with pro­test­ers against the war in Gaza”.
“Col­lege cam­pus­es are …