CBS’s Nan­cy Cordes Frets Cam­pus Protests Might Hurt Biden

CBS Senior White House Cor­re­spon­dent Nan­cy Cordes went into full “Pro­tect the Pre­cious” mode as she cov­ered the polit­i­cal fall­out from the rad­i­cal and often vio­lent protests at var­i­ous elite col­lege cam­pus­es across the nation.
Watch as Cordes laments that “the unrest is now threat­en­ing to become an elec­tion issue” affect­ing Pres­i­dent Biden with the youth vote:

PROTESTERS: Pales­tine will be free!
NANCY CORDES: Like many pro­test­ers, Pres­i­dent Biden has expressed con­cern about the plight of Pales­tin­ian civil­ians. More than 34,000 killed, accord­ing to the Hamas-run H …