Col­bert Sug­gests Feds Will Mon­i­tor Women Under Trump, Attacks Him on Israel

CBS’s Stephen Col­bert react­ed to Don­ald Trump’s inter­views with Time and Fox News on Wednesday’s edi­tion of The Late Show by attack­ing him on issues rang­ing from abor­tion to Israel.
Col­bert not­ed that in the Time inter­view, “Trump tried to dodge any ques­tion at all about abor­tion by claim­ing he would leave it up to the states, but said he’s fine with states mon­i­tor­ing preg­nant women, so they don’t get abor­tions.”

It would be more accu­rate to say Trump took a posi­tion of com­plete fed­er­al non-inter­fer­ence, “It’s irrel­e­vant whether I’m com­fort­able or not. It’s total­ly irrel­e­va …