Dem-Con­trolled Michi­gan Sen­ate Pass­es Bill Ban­ning Bipar­ti­san Elec­tion Boards From Inves­ti­gat­ing Vot­er Fraud

Dem-Controlled Michigan Senate Passes Bill Banning Bipartisan Election Boards From Investigating Voter Fraud

The Michi­gan Demo­c­rat-con­trolled Sen­ate passed a bill ear­li­er this week that would ban bipar­ti­san elec­tion boards from inves­ti­gat­ing vot­er fraud and make it more dif­fi­cult — in some cir­cum­stances — to start a recount.
The leg­is­la­tion, Sen­ate Bill 603, was passed along par­ty lines on Tues­day and drew harsh crit­i­cism from Repub­li­can state law­mak­ers, who say that if the bill becomes law, “there’s noth­ing that can be done” if a board of state can­vassers sees or sus­pects elec­tion fraud, Bridge Michi­gan report­ed. Democ­rats, how­ev­er, argue that vot­er fraud inves­tig …