Democ­rats replace child wel­fare bill with changes to elec­tion law

Democrats replace child welfare bill with changes to election law

(The Cen­ter Square) – A child wel­fare bill was gut­ted just moments before going to the Illi­nois House floor and replaced with an omnibus elec­tion bill.
House spon­sor of Sen­ate Bill 2412, State Rep. Jay Hoff­man, D‑Swansea, said the bill does three things.
“It places three non-bind­ing ref­er­en­dums on the Gen­er­al Elec­tion bal­lot, elim­i­nates the slat­ing process to place can­di­dates on the bal­lot in cer­tain cir­cum­stances and moves up peti­tion dead­lines by 28 days,” said Hoff­man. “With regard to the slat­ing process, cur­rent­ly a par­ty can slate an indi­vid­ual 75 days after the pri­ma­ry, even if that can­di­date didn’t file for the peti­tions for the pri­ma­ry elec­tion or did not c …